We are incredibly blessed by and thankful for the 2023-2024 School Board. Please pray for this group as they guide and direct the school.
Sarah West, Chair - Prairie Heights Church – at large
Chad Gunderson, Vice Chair- Northview – at large
David Sigler, Treasurer - Harvest Valley – at large
Dean Tomlinson, Secretary - Bethel – at large
Seth Anderson, Bethel– at large
Julie Dietrich, Salem - at large
Lindsay Truax, *Bethel
Tracy Ziebarth, *Salem Evangelical Free
*Sponsoring church appointed representative
The Park Christian School Board of Directors operates under the Policy Governance Model considering ENDS policies and implementing monthly training on Policy Governance. The Board is comprised of nine members.
Board members serve three-year terms and can serve two consecutive terms. If you have an interest in serving on the School Board of Directors of Park Christian School, contact either the Board President or the School President.