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Alumna Beth (Grosz) Karges, 2010

Thursday, April 30, 2020

God Used PCS To Lead Me Closer To His Heart 

My name is Beth Karges, and I graduated from Park Christian School in 2010. My husband, Andrew, and I currently work with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ), a non-profit ministry organization that seeks to share the Gospel with the world. We recently arrived home after spending about a year serving in Tanzania, Africa, and we are currently in transition to join staff with Cru this Fall.

God did amazing things in our ministry this past year as we shared the Gospel with high school and college Tanzanian students. We were able to pour into these students and teach them what it means to have a real, authentic relationship with Jesus and how to grow in their faith. The Biblical truths I was able to teach the students were once taught to me during my time at Park Christian.

As I think back over the years I spent at PCS as a student, my heart fills with deep gratitude for this unique school where God is so present. During the most formative years of my life, I was given not only a great education, but more importantly the opportunity to grow and be challenged in my faith on a daily basis. No words can really do justice to the way PCS changed my life. One of the main ways PCS impacted my life was through the close-knit family of believers that Park offers and the encouragement, love,and support the teachers give to each student. My teachers constantly poured into me and led by example as they challenged me to think critically and grow to discern for myself what is really important in life and what isn’t.

After spending this past year in Tanzania, I have come home with a new perspective on missions and how we can influence the people around us for the Kingdom of God. Whether you live in the heart of Africa or in the Fargo-Moorhead community, you have the ability to love the people God places before you and share the Good News with the lost and broken. God will use you right where you are for His glory and purposes.

The teachers at Park Christian are being used by God to love the students with a Christ-centered, powerful love. My teachers were the first missionaries I ever met as their sacrifice and willingness to follow the Lord’s leading instilled in me an eagerness and desire to do the same. God used PCS to lead me closer to His heart and His plans for me to be in full time ministry. I will forever thank God for this incredible school, and I pray that the students who are currently enrolled at Park will experience His love and faithfulness in a similar, life-changing way.

GOD USED PCS to lead me closer to His heart 

Beth and Andrew Karges, Tanzania, Africa

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Thursday, April 30, 2020




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